2010年12月8日 星期三

Final and the last blog.. maybe?

This semester is finally comes to the end. I have 3 finals to take next week then I can eventually have a vacation away from studying. I've been studying the whole entire 2010 since I took the summer school. But before the celebration, I have to give my last weekend to the textbook and library. I just want to say it has been a really nice semester in my English class. Professor. Kominek was a cool teacher. She makes the class interesting by her humor and group discussion. I love the way she list down each essay step by step, so I don't feel frustrated about writing the essay. However, I feel really bad and embarrassed sometimes in her class because I always got in class late... I believe it is one of my bad habits that I still need to work on. I just want thanks her for being there for me when I need help for my essay, and have lots of patients for the students. :) Additionally, this is probably going to be my last time to write on this blog since this the last assignment for my blog. But maybe I will keep continuing writing later on if I feel like it? Or I might start doing video blog since I wanted to do that a long time ago. Maybe this is a new start to do that :)

2010年12月1日 星期三

Lack of sleep = Horrible day

Last night, I went to bed at 6 A.M in the morning. Because I have to prepare a group project and presentation for my account class today. Additionally, I have to write my research paper for my English class. I choose one topic to write like two weeks ago. But I have been having a hard time to find some good sources to support my idea. I changed my topic in the last minutes.. So I nee to come out a new topic and find some good sources again. I was very frustrated and stressing about my essay and the presentation. I was planning stay up all night to finish these two things. Fortunately, i finished everything at 6 A.M, and my body started feeling tired. So I knocked out right away... it feels like it has just been 30 minutes only. I woke up at 8:30 A.M and getting ready to go my English class. I feel like a zombie when I entered the classroom. I feel horrible because I was late to class. During the break, I went to grab a coffee to keep me awake, but it makes me feel more sick and want to puke. After English class, I realized I forgot my presentation shirt was at home.. So I had to drive all the way back home and grab it before it's too late. I realized if you dont have enough sleep, your day will just be a mess, and everything goes wrong.