2010年9月15日 星期三

My MacBook Pro :)

I finally got my MacBook Pro last Friday! It is the 13' MacBook Pro, and because the promotion I got a free IPod with a free Canon printer. However, I need to pay it first and then Apple will give me the rebate money next month. I've been saving all my money just for this little sweet thing! It looks so clean and classic, and most importantly it runs so fast. I was downloading a file with 700 MB, and it only took about 10~15 minutes to download the file. My old computer probably has to spend the whole night to download it, and it probably still downloading when I wake up in the morning. The reasons why I bought a MacBook Pro is basically I need it for DJ and YouTube video editing. It runs really smoothly from download a file to install it and use it. It's a little strange for me to use Mac operation system in the beginning because I'm a PC user, but I get used to MacBook within a second and I LOVED IT!!

