2010年10月18日 星期一

New Blog?

I love to explore good new or old house music on the internet. And I love to share the good music to my friends. Every time when I found some good house music or cool video on YouTube, I often share it on the facebook so my friends can hear or see it too. The funny part is I realize people like my taste of music, one of my friends even told me that he always looking for some good music, since I start posting good music on my facebook. All he does now is browsing my facebook from his Iphone and listening my playlist. According to what he said, right now I'm thinking maybe I should just create a new Blogger and put all the music I like on it, plus I want to start shooting some video of my regular life on YouTube. It will be a good idea putting them on the blog too. Therefore, if people want to listen some good house music or know more about me, they can just come to my blog and have fun! :)

2010年10月13日 星期三

News => Rap?

Again, I was browsing YouTube for some funny video. And then I see this news about a stranger who claim to a second floor window. He broke in and tried to rap a woman, but she screw and her brother fought with the stranger, even though the stranger ran away during the fight. I didn't understand why this simple news can has 14,000,000 views. However, I found out that answer by the other video next to it..

This is the video I saw after the news. Someone put some beats with the news and made it become a rap song, which was actually pretty cool and creative! It also has 10 million views with this video. You will never imagine a simple news can turns out a rap song. And how many people actually view it.

these creative Youtube videos become a very big media nowadays. I wonder how many people actually spend time on youtube than TV everyday. It kind of inspired me to make some interesting videos just for fun. And see how it turns out after I put it out there! :)

Teenage Dream... REALLY?

So.. apparently I saw someone post on facebook about this video of a kid singing on youtube. The song is called Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. I wasn't really expect to see anything funny when I click the video. But when I started watching it, I was like this kid looks so strange. He looks super funny not only just his face but also his facial expression. I can tell he tried really hard to sing this song, but thats the whole point makes this video become so funny. I was wondering how many people actually view this video. Right after I link to youtube, I could not believe my eyes! This video has 11,000,000 views! This kid just simply recorded himself sing a popular song for 4 minutes, and he got 11,000,000 views? That was like a big shock for me. I check out some of his other videos. There were basically all the same thing. He record it through his Macbook in his room randomly. I also checked out his channel. Unbelievably, he has the top 100 subscribe this month and this week. I am actually feel happy for this little kid. I cant imagine how many times people make fun of him. Now he probably finally can have some confident of himself! :) And now I'm thinking I should do a video next time too. haha

2010年10月6日 星期三

An Interesting Bad Day

I had an interesting bad day. It was kind of bad, but I'm laugh at it because it was pretty funny. First of all, because I was studying my account midterm last night, I woke up late in the morning. My class starts at 9 A.M, and I woke up at 8:30 A.M. I was rush to the class, but obviously I was late.. After I got out my English class, I'm rushing to my account class which is my midterm. I was nervous and hoping the questions would be easy. Unfortunately, I found out 2 out of 5 questions are the ones I didnt study, and I was pissed off at myself because I know exactly where those materials in the textbook. But it was too late, I cant really do anything about it.. After I finished my exam, I went to make friend's house to make some beats for house music. While I'm about to go home, I found out my car battery just died, so I had to call AAA insurance to come help me out. The person who checked my battery said I should change the battery because it will die anytime in the future. He offered me an AAA battery which cost 114$. I opened my wallet, I realized I had the exact 114$ in it. It feels like everything just happen for a reason or something. Later on the way home, my car ran out off gas, so I have to go put some gas inside. I usually put 20$ cash in the machine, but since I dont have any cash. I use my card to pay it. I was talking with my friend while I was getting the gas, and I totally forgot about I was getting the gas. Therefore, it stopped itself automatically after my car was full of gas. It came out 32$. I was laughing at myself that I forgot about it. It wasn't like a really bad day, but it was just something you don't know why it happened sort of day.