2010年10月6日 星期三

An Interesting Bad Day

I had an interesting bad day. It was kind of bad, but I'm laugh at it because it was pretty funny. First of all, because I was studying my account midterm last night, I woke up late in the morning. My class starts at 9 A.M, and I woke up at 8:30 A.M. I was rush to the class, but obviously I was late.. After I got out my English class, I'm rushing to my account class which is my midterm. I was nervous and hoping the questions would be easy. Unfortunately, I found out 2 out of 5 questions are the ones I didnt study, and I was pissed off at myself because I know exactly where those materials in the textbook. But it was too late, I cant really do anything about it.. After I finished my exam, I went to make friend's house to make some beats for house music. While I'm about to go home, I found out my car battery just died, so I had to call AAA insurance to come help me out. The person who checked my battery said I should change the battery because it will die anytime in the future. He offered me an AAA battery which cost 114$. I opened my wallet, I realized I had the exact 114$ in it. It feels like everything just happen for a reason or something. Later on the way home, my car ran out off gas, so I have to go put some gas inside. I usually put 20$ cash in the machine, but since I dont have any cash. I use my card to pay it. I was talking with my friend while I was getting the gas, and I totally forgot about I was getting the gas. Therefore, it stopped itself automatically after my car was full of gas. It came out 32$. I was laughing at myself that I forgot about it. It wasn't like a really bad day, but it was just something you don't know why it happened sort of day.

