2010年9月29日 星期三

A Funny Program on My MacBook

Today, I randomly found an anti-theft program for Mac. The program is called IAlertU. Basically, this is how the program works: if people try to touch or steal my MacBook when I'm not there. It will start making noises like the car anti-theft system. They cannot turn it off the volume nor move the mouse, the alert will keep making noises until the user type in the password. In addition, the most interesting thing about this program is that it will automatic take a picture of the person, whoever is in front of the Macbook at the moment, and it will send it to my email. Therefore, if someone tried to touch my Macbook, or even tried to steal it. I will get the image of whoever is it in my email right away. So if my Macbook do gets stolen, I can get the image and send it to police or something like that. The only way to shut down the program without knowing the password is to turn off the power. I think this is just a cool and funny program. I believe the best way to anti-theft is always be careful where you go or where you put your computer at. Don't ever let others have a chance to steal it.

2010年9月22日 星期三

I Love Ice Cream

I love eating ice cream! It is one of my favorite dessert. My favorite flavor  is chocolate chips as you can see above. It taste so good when you feel the ice and the chocolate melting inside your mouth. The best time to eat ice cream is during the summer time, all the hotness just disappear in a second. I'm a lucky guy because my roommate works at the ice cream factory; they produce Baskin-Robbins' ice cream. So if I want eat a certain flavor, my roommate can bring me the fresh ice cream which just from the factory when he comes home. And all the ice cream are loaded in those big boxes. In addition, when I want to eat the ice cream, I need to grab the whole box out from the refrigerator, and I can seat in the living room start enjoying my ice cream. The box is so big that I usually have to eat 5-10 times to finish the whole box. We usually have 5-7 flavor of ice cream in the freezer, so if I get tired of one kind, I can just grab another one and enjoy it. Eating free ice cream anytime I want is so awesome!

2010年9月21日 星期二

Cheater Will Never Find Love

Today, I just found out my girlfriend cheat on me. Here is the story, she forgot to log out her facebook account when she spent the weekend with me, so when I came home today. My computer was still have her facebook account on it. And I saw her was chatting with a guy earlier on the chat bar, so I clicked on it see what are they talking about. Boom! The true just came out right in my face. She was chatting with this guy that they are planning to hook up tonight, I couldn't believe my eyes, but it is black and white showing in my face. The part that makes me really mad is the guy asked her if I find out she is hang out with other guy, I will be very upset and mad. But she said I won't never find out, dont worry about it. I start shaking after I seen all the conversation. I've been treating her very nice that no guy can treat her this nice, and what I got back from her is cheating on me. I dont know if it hurts anymore because I dont have feeling for her no more. In addition, the interesting thing of this whole thing is that she still doesn't know I found out I cheat on her. So I'm planning to tell her about this next weekend. And the best thing I can do right now is move on. It is hard to believe, but it is the reality. I just have to be strong and knowing that I will find that right girl one day. Because cheater will never find love.

2010年9月15日 星期三

2010 Is Almost Over

Time goes so fast when you don't pay attention at it. It's already September, and soon its going to be October. I feel like this year I grew up and learned a lot, not only just the knowledge but also mentally. It is just I feel I've been living and studying in California or Orange County for a while, I really want to take a break and just go for a vacation travel different places. I'm planning to go visit my family in Singapore since they just recently moved there, I think I will fly to there after I finished this seamster. It is not just because I want go take a break, but also I haven't seen my whole family almost 3 years. I never been to Singapore, but I hear it is pretty nice in there, and everything is expensive. My little sister told me she doesn't like living there because they have a law that no one can chewing gum, they even have a warning at the airport saying that chewing gum is forbidden. Oh well, I think I can survive without chewing gum in there for a few weeks. I miss my family and can't wait to see them soon. 

My MacBook Pro :)

I finally got my MacBook Pro last Friday! It is the 13' MacBook Pro, and because the promotion I got a free IPod with a free Canon printer. However, I need to pay it first and then Apple will give me the rebate money next month. I've been saving all my money just for this little sweet thing! It looks so clean and classic, and most importantly it runs so fast. I was downloading a file with 700 MB, and it only took about 10~15 minutes to download the file. My old computer probably has to spend the whole night to download it, and it probably still downloading when I wake up in the morning. The reasons why I bought a MacBook Pro is basically I need it for DJ and YouTube video editing. It runs really smoothly from download a file to install it and use it. It's a little strange for me to use Mac operation system in the beginning because I'm a PC user, but I get used to MacBook within a second and I LOVED IT!!

2010年9月8日 星期三

The Lost of Atlantis Rave

Last Friday night, I got invited to a rave party called " The Lost of Atlantis", because my friend was working in there as a stuff, and he also knows the DJ. His job is to put all the speakers and lights on stage, it can takes him the whole day to do so, it is definitely not a easy work. But because of him, the bass was amazingly good that night! And most importantly, me and my roommate got inside for free :) The original ticket was 60$. I was so happy that I went to a rave for free because I got the connection! However, there is only one thing I didnt really like is that there were too many kids. I think the rave was 16+ or all ages. Therefore, I saw so many young people that are under 21, I suddenly feel so old and uncomfortable. It feels like I'm partying and having a good time, and then I see my little sister is partying next to me. It just feels really weird. Not to mention, most of them are on drugs, it is very obvious that they are under the influence. I don't know what's wrong with kids these days? Why do they have to take drug to have fun? There are a lot of things that they can have fun without drug. People go to rave because of the drugs; I go to rave because of the music.