2010年9月29日 星期三

A Funny Program on My MacBook

Today, I randomly found an anti-theft program for Mac. The program is called IAlertU. Basically, this is how the program works: if people try to touch or steal my MacBook when I'm not there. It will start making noises like the car anti-theft system. They cannot turn it off the volume nor move the mouse, the alert will keep making noises until the user type in the password. In addition, the most interesting thing about this program is that it will automatic take a picture of the person, whoever is in front of the Macbook at the moment, and it will send it to my email. Therefore, if someone tried to touch my Macbook, or even tried to steal it. I will get the image of whoever is it in my email right away. So if my Macbook do gets stolen, I can get the image and send it to police or something like that. The only way to shut down the program without knowing the password is to turn off the power. I think this is just a cool and funny program. I believe the best way to anti-theft is always be careful where you go or where you put your computer at. Don't ever let others have a chance to steal it.

