2010年9月22日 星期三

I Love Ice Cream

I love eating ice cream! It is one of my favorite dessert. My favorite flavor  is chocolate chips as you can see above. It taste so good when you feel the ice and the chocolate melting inside your mouth. The best time to eat ice cream is during the summer time, all the hotness just disappear in a second. I'm a lucky guy because my roommate works at the ice cream factory; they produce Baskin-Robbins' ice cream. So if I want eat a certain flavor, my roommate can bring me the fresh ice cream which just from the factory when he comes home. And all the ice cream are loaded in those big boxes. In addition, when I want to eat the ice cream, I need to grab the whole box out from the refrigerator, and I can seat in the living room start enjoying my ice cream. The box is so big that I usually have to eat 5-10 times to finish the whole box. We usually have 5-7 flavor of ice cream in the freezer, so if I get tired of one kind, I can just grab another one and enjoy it. Eating free ice cream anytime I want is so awesome!

1 則留言:

  1. Hey, Does your room mate still work for the Baskin-Robbins? Wow. The picture looks great.I also had a simillar experience with you. One of my friend worked for the Yogurland, located in state college. He used to bring a giant box of frozen yogurt when we had friend gathering someone's home. I really love it especially Strawberry and Banana kind. However, he doesn't work for yogurland anymore. It is really sad..
