2010年9月8日 星期三

The Lost of Atlantis Rave

Last Friday night, I got invited to a rave party called " The Lost of Atlantis", because my friend was working in there as a stuff, and he also knows the DJ. His job is to put all the speakers and lights on stage, it can takes him the whole day to do so, it is definitely not a easy work. But because of him, the bass was amazingly good that night! And most importantly, me and my roommate got inside for free :) The original ticket was 60$. I was so happy that I went to a rave for free because I got the connection! However, there is only one thing I didnt really like is that there were too many kids. I think the rave was 16+ or all ages. Therefore, I saw so many young people that are under 21, I suddenly feel so old and uncomfortable. It feels like I'm partying and having a good time, and then I see my little sister is partying next to me. It just feels really weird. Not to mention, most of them are on drugs, it is very obvious that they are under the influence. I don't know what's wrong with kids these days? Why do they have to take drug to have fun? There are a lot of things that they can have fun without drug. People go to rave because of the drugs; I go to rave because of the music.

